Three games took place this week with another game for the Zee team Endorian Forest Unit and the Mega City Eagles make the EASPD debut
Guard: Tankor. Turion City Terrors Captain Tankor gets into the team purely for shoving several Zees out of the way to clear a path. Classic Guard play. Classic Teratons
Jack: Judge Lopez. Although a relatively quiet game, Judge Lopez gets into the team purely for attempting to kill an Orx Guard by throwing the ball at him. It didn't work as he survived, but the fans love it!
Jack: Zira. Well.. who would have thought! A Zee scoring some points. Remarkable. After an onslaught on the ball carrying Teraton, they find a way through and Zira couldn't and didn't miss. Brilliant
Jack: Prowl. With the Turion City Terrors literally tearing up the league and Prowl getting a hat trick this week, its only fair he gets in the team. Astonishing play from a Jack!
Jack: Sparkgrubber, from Daggon Moon Slammers produced a phenomenal peice of play to resist a hat full of steals and slams from the Mega City Judges. A shame his colleagues were not up for it as much
Striker: Thorgan Ironsword Dwarf captain with a steady, no pun intended, display. A couple of scores

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