
From the Official Dreadball Store Description

The Judwan are a placid, calm and peaceful race and the tiny number of Judwanese teams play an odd game of DreadBall. They have neither Guards nor Jacks and never try to damage their opponents; they simply outplay them. A Judwan Striker needs no glove to catch or throw the ball, instead using his long, lithe arms and slender fingers to launch the ball with as much or more speed as other races. Their games are fast and often surprising, with a tendency to end suddenly in a 7-point landslide.

Our Thoughts

Jody (after first gme with the Kamino Kinetics) - The Judwan team scored highly in their first match but the temptation to surge forward with strikers left an obvious defensive frailty.  I should've used Feint more too, forgot all about it.....

Martin - Awesome looking guys. All tall and sleak. Having them as strikers with 4+ skill is interesting. However, as evident by first game, better tactics needed else they get smashed. Or was it just bad rolls...

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